Category: Digital Marketing

  • High PR DOFOLLOW Backlinks Free With High Domain Authority

    High PR DOFOLLOW Backlinks Free With High Domain Authority

    Everybody these days needs their business online to build the span of their business everywhere on the globe or specific that zone organization needs to set up their items and administrations. It’s with the organizations as well as with the bloggers and the sites what share news and data. The site administrators raised the issues that they are not positioning in google or the AdSense isn’t favoring. This is on the grounds that their substance is truly not special and doesn’t have adequate backlinks. Backlinks are one reason to record and to advance the natural traffic on your site. Here you can follow these means and can make backlinks for your site.

    High PR DOFOLLOW Backlinks Free With High Domain Authority
    High PR DOFOLLOW Backlinks Free With High Domain Authority

    Free High PR Dofollow Backlinks With High Domain Authority

    Keyword +

    Keyword +

    Keyword +

    Keyword +

    Keyword +

    Keyword + intext:”powered by wordpress”

    Keyword + intext:”powered by typepad”

    inurl: blog”keyword” comment query inurl:blog + “post a comment” + keyword inurl:blog + “post a comment” + commentluv enabled

    “Add comment” Your Keywords

    “Post comment” Your Keywords

    “Write comment” Your Keywords

    Your Keywords “leave a comment” / “leave comment”

    Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”

    Your Keywords “Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”

    Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”

    Your Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”

    Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”

    Your Keywords “You can use these tags”

    Your Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”

    Your Keywords “Allowed HTML tags:”

    Your Keywords “top commenter”

    “Keyword” “Powered By Blogger”

    “Keyword” “Powered By WordPress”

    “Keyword” “Powered By Typepad”

    “Keyword” “Powered By Drupal”

    “Keyword” “Powered By Blogengine”

    “Keyword” “Powered By Movabletype”

    See Given Example Below :

    You just need to type below lines in Google with your current need and than see the result.

    web design “notify me of follow-up comments?” “Submit the word you see below”

    digital marketing “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    wordpress “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    web design “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    social media “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    mobile app development “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    website design “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    creative agency “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    online shopping “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    make money online “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    clipping path “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    online shop “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    whatsapp status “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    skin care “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    real estate “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    virtual reality “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    weight loss “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    clipping path “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    sap training “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    how to make money online “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    asp net “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    top assignment help “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    software development company “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    home improvement “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    make money online “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    weight loss “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    independence day “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    website development “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    photography “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    online shopping “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    web design “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    google adsense “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    affiliate marketing “notify me of follow up comments” “submit the word you see below”

    coffee maker “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below

    fitness “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    finance “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    education “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    car “notify me of follow-up comments?” “submit the word you see below”

    New Addition of Methods at 2021:

    blogger powered by blogengine net blog post a comment

    jobs powered by blogengine net blog post a comment

    music powered by blogengine net blog post a comment

    technology powered by blogengine net blog post a comment

    electronics powered by blogengine net blog post a comment

    inurl digital marketing post a comment r=h:com

    New Addition of Methods at February 2021 :

    Keyword “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment”

    Keyword “powered by expressionengine” inurl:blog “post a comment”

    Keyword “powered by Typepad” inurl:blog “post a comment”

    Keyword “no comments posted yet” inurl:blog “post a comment”

    Keyword “why not be the first to have your say” inurl:blog “post a comment”

    Keyword “This blog uses premium CommentLuv” -“The version of CommentLuv on this site is no longer supported.”

    Keyword “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”

    Keyword “if you have a website, link to it here” “post a new comment”

    Keyword “Enter YourName@YourKeywords”

    Keyword “get livefyre” “comment help” -“Comments have been disabled for this post” 

    Keyword “powered by ip.board”

    Keyword “powered by Fireboard”

    Keyword “powered by phpbb”

    Keyword “powered by phpbb3”

    Keyword “powered by SMF”

    Keyword “powered by vbulletin”

    Keyword “accepting guest posts”

    Keyword “become a contributor”

    Keyword “best articles of the week”

    Keyword “contributors page”

    Keyword “Write For Us”

    Keyword “Digital Marketing Posts”

  • Building a Strong Brand

    The most important asset undoubtedly for your business is your brand.

    Brand makes your business recognized, remarkable, preferred, inspire consumers to make purchase from you, marketing and advertising support and motivates employee.

    In Nielsen’s Global New Product Innovation Survey, about 59 % respondents preferred to buy from familiar brands and 21 % bought from the brand they liked. Building a Brand is beyond your logo or promotions.

    We are here to guide you – to build and manage your brand strongly. Build a brand that remains on top of the mind of your customers.

    Here are 7 steps to build a strong Brand.

    1. Ascertain the motive behind your brand.

    Every successful brand has a strong motive behind it. Before determining a brand purpose ask yourself these questions.

    • Why do you subsist?
    • What makes you different?
    • What problem do you address?
    • Why should people recognize you?

    Now, these ideas can be used to impart your branding with the help of tagline, stories, voice, messages etc.

    2. Do research on your competitor brands.

    Imitating big brands is a big No!. Stay informed about on what are they good at or where do they fail.

    Ultimate goal is to stand out. Persuade customer to make a purchase from you over others.

    3. Find out your target audience.

    You can’t serve everyone. The code is to be specific.

    To gain competitive advantage you need to narrow your target audience focus.

                                                  Buyer Persona

     When creating buyer persona, one must include demographics of customer, behavior, motivations, goals and influencers. More attention to it makes you better to understand and relate.

    Consider some details like:

    • Age
    • Location
    • Language
    • Spending power
    • Profession

    4. Know your brand mission.

    It is important to know your business values before building a brand. Be it your tagline, message, personality etc. should reflect your mission. Your mission statement should be able to define purpose for your existence.

    5. Your brand key qualities and benefits.

    Work on qualities and benefits to make your branding unique. Give reason to your target audience to choose you over other brands. This step is about what values can you provide to refine your consumers lives.

    6. Logo and tagline for your business.

    The significant part in the process of brand building is your logo creation and company tagline.

    On visual front Logo appears would appear and relate to your business everywhere. Investing time and money on creating visual identity for your business can make you remarkable.

    7. Get every facet of your business integrated with your brand.

    Make your brand evident and reflect. Make tangible appearances it could be your environment, business cards, advertisement etc.

    Make sure that your brand looks same on all your digital platforms. One can use website as a marketing tool for brand.

  • Search Engine Optimization

    Do you know how many blog posts are published every day?

    It’s quite breathtaking. According to Worldometers over 4.4 million blog posts gets published every single day. Have a look on live blogging statistics.

    Now it sounds difficult to stand out but not impossible to make one’s blog successful. This is where SEO falls in.

    What does SEO mean?

    Many of us know it stands for Search Engine Optimization. Ranking high in the unpaid section on any search engine. The search engine would show it on top results to the searchers if your online content is well optimized.

    Let’s try to understand better.

    SEO- Everything revolves around the following three things:

    • YOU

    Now, if your content is about how to make delicious apple pie and you want your search engine (Bing, Yahoo, Google) to show it on top results for “apple pie”. One has to make content such a way where search engine will most likely include it on top results for the particular keyword search.

    The following are three parts to know the true meaning of SEO:

    • Traffic Quality: Attracting visitors who are authentically interested in your product/service offerings. It is possible to attract any visitors but if they happen to visit to your site for being wrongly understood by search engine (say, Google) that is, traffic but not quality traffic.

    For example: You sell top quality cherry but Google got the traffic for Cherry Shoe polish this is not quality traffic.

    • Traffic Quantity: The quantity of traffic would become better once we have right searchers clicking on result pages of search engine (SERPs-Search Engine result pages).
    • Organic results: Traffic for which one doesn’t pay is known as Organic traffic. Unpaid results are known as Organic results.

    Paid search is also know as PPC(paid per click) or CPC(cost per click).Unpaid is Organic search or natural search.

    Why is SEO important?

    About 3.5 billion searches are processed by Google every day, that means 40,000 searches are processed every second. This means there are millions of people searching millions of things. This is traffic but we need specific and high intent traffic for our business. SEO can help you to get such traffic to grow your business.

    For example: Let’s say you’re a gold jewelry seller and decided to put your advertisement for gold necklace on a billboard so that anyone passing by sees your ad. Now with this we are not sure how many are genuinely interested in your products and the probability of ad getting noticed will also be low. But if the same thing is on online, the moment one types “gold necklace” there is a very high probability to increase your sale for the season because the searchers are clear and genuinely interested to buy.

    One must understand how SEO works before trying to start anything.

    How does SEO work?

    Let’s take Google, about 90 % of searchers use it. There is a google crawler which is programmed to crawl over millions of contents and gather information. Bring them back in the form of 0s and 1s to search engine in order to build an index. This index is now an input to the Google algorithm which will try to match that data with your query (your search on google).

    Categories of SEO

    SEO has two categories:  On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

    On-page SEO (also known as On-site SEO)- optimizing website elements. It could be your headline, content, HTML page source code and structure of your page. A good on-page SEO not only helps search engines to interpret the page content but also helps users to understand about the page and if addresses their search query.

    Making things easy for both search engines and searchers is the goal of a good on-page SEO.

    • Interpretation of a webpage
    • Is the page relevant to a search query or queries.
    • Ranking that page well on a search engine results page (SERP).

    Off-page SEO (also known as Off-site SEO)-variables which are not in your  hand. Actions that are taken outside your website, those are other sources such as social network, other blogs etc.

    One can optimize off-page ranking factors by linking or promoting your own website on reputable places it could be sites, pages or even influential people. Backlinks can indicate your content’s quality, a site will be ranked better if it has many high value backlinks. There are three main link types:

    1. Natural links
    2. Manually built links
    3. Self -created links

    Let’s take a simple example to understand On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

    Assuming you own a High end/Luxury Saloon.

    Case 1: Your saloon is clean, attractive and has all the equipment to serve a customer. But your saloon is not easily accessible by the customer because of the pathway. Due to this customer might not come to your saloon.

    Similarly, if we don’t optimize our page around on-page SEO despite of good page content it is unlikely to get point to our page.

    Case 2:  Your saloon is easily reachable by customers. But if your saloon is untidy with no proper equipment will never attract customers to your saloon.

    Therefore, both on-page and off-page optimization is important.

    The common goal of both On-page SEO and off-page SEO is to reduce the Bounce rate.

    When a visitor visits your site and leaves instantly is Known as bounce. For example: A visitor stays for a very shorter duration on your webpage or visited only one out of many is considered as bounce by Google. The higher Bounce rate can worsen the page rank.

  • Email Marketing

    Let’s say Email marketing is as a tool, strategy or process. Consider it as anything but the ultimate goal of email marketing is to send emails to prospects and customers that influence them to take actions.

    The actions can be anything from opening an email and reading it or you have sent an email and want the attached link in it to be clicked. Email marketing is used to build relationships with existing customers and potential customer. A powerful email marketing can transform prospects into customers and existing customers to remain loyal and repurchase from your business.

    One may think with the evolution of new generation technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence), virtual reality, chatbots etc. email marketing is no longer going to survive. Let’s check out email marketing metrics.

    According to Statista 2020, daily email users are 3.9 billion and expected to be around 4.3 billion by 2023.Consider Hubspot which states that for every 1 dollar spent email generates 38 dollars which is 3800 % ROI making email marketing a effective messaging channel.

    From the above data we see that people use email much more than any other platforms.

    Ever since the day internet was introduced to world email marketing has played major role. We are here answer all your questions.

    Let’s get started.

    Email marketing vs traditional mail marketing:

    1. ROI (return on investment) can be tracked with the help of email marketing.
    2. Reaching meaningful email subscribers who have opted to receive emails is comparatively easy for advertisers.
    3. Marketer can send customized, apt and dynamic messages to customers.

    The possible disadvantage of email marketing for a business is spam and rejection rate, this negatively will affect emails delivery rate. The “Opt-in” emailing is the solution for this drawback of email marketing. Where in consent from customers is taken to send emails that are relevant and appropriate, therefore unsolicited emails are eliminated.

    why should you go for Email marketing?

    • Cost effective:  You can do email marketing by yourself or reach out to an email marketing agency for marketing thousands of customers (potential or existing) via email is still not going to cost higher than any other advertising channel.
    • Success oriented: Email marketing is the most effective strategy which gives extremely greater ROI over other direct marketing strategies.
    • Measurable and flexible: Due to analytics feature in email marketing one can easily track responses to the emails sent by you the customers, which would give an insight which part of campaign is effective and which is part of it is not working for you. With the help of analytical information one can modify a campaign instantly.

    How can you go with email marketing?

    Dr Dave Chaffey, a digital consultant and trainer since 1997 has offered an experienced view on success factors of email marketing – “CRITICAL”.

    • Creative: Design of email, it could be layout or images or color. Sometimes, you can your customer how would they like to see the emails either in TEXT form or HTML form because some has preferences over it.
    • Relevance: More relevant email generates more response rate. Make sure your email content is what the customer has opted in for, send them that. Do not send irrelevant emails, customers might unsubscribe your email.
    • Incentive: Sometimes it is important to send incentives to your customers. This can increase participation from your customer because every customer will be expecting something in the form of incentive from you. It could be coupon, discount etc.
    • Timing: Look out for best timings based on your customer base. Select certain days and appropriate timings to get better response rate.
    • Integration: No business would rely on one marketing method nor on many as well. But the best practice is to integrate all marketing methods used by business to create a whole. This means all your emails must have the same image and messages as the rest of marketing methods. The campaign timing must also be same.
    • Copy: If you are considering copywriting, all aspects of language must be examined. From subject line to your mail signature, don’t save links to last line try to pop them up to get some spontaneous action.
    • Attributes: Highlight the attributes. Attributes of a email are header, subject line, from address, to address, format, date and time of receipt.
    • Landing Page: Every business sends email to turn them into sales. So rather sending a hyperlink to your home page, take your customers where you want them to be on your site.

    Now, definitely email marketing is a big yes. A powerful email marketing will surely boost growth of a business by building a great relationship between you and customers (existing or potential). Just keep in mind not to send an email that goes directly into spam folder. Make sure you make an effective email that goes all the way to through inbox and read by customer.